In the first article (first in a three part series) we explained the little known science of Axiology, the Value Profile and how it is helping CEO's obtain the greatest leverage from employee's strengths.We described how a CEO (we called him Richard) can accurately measure and compare candidates for a specific position or work on a specific project.In this article we continue on to discover additional and deeper critical distinctions the Value Profile provides Richard to aid him in his decision to select the best candidate.The insights revealed in the fourth section of the report provide Richard with an in depth understanding of a candidate's abilities for planning and organizing. People can keep working on a project until they get it right, or they can plan and get organized before they start.Not everyone has the ability to determine what is required to accomplish a project and have it completed on time. Some people have difficulty with directions they have been given or taking on responsibility for a project.Richard does not have time to "wait and see" if a person will be able to complete the project. He wants to know in advance whether or not the candidate has the ability to logically plan and organize a strategy and carry it out. Using the Value Profile, Richard eliminates the gut-wrenching process of trying to determine who would be best to work on a crucial project. The Value Profile provides him with a roadmap.A person's ability to set realistic goals, implement plans and achieve them within a certain time frame can be determined and calculated. The results are plotted on a chart so Richard can see at a glance exactly which candidate excels in this area. Richard has at his fingertips vital information about a person's ability to keep focused on the planning details and activities needed to reach the desired outcome. It is one thing to plan and organize, it's another to be self motivated to take action. Right now, stop and think about your key people. Can they set realistic goals? Are they reaching those goals within a specified time frame? Is it important to you and the company for your key people to take action right away? Isn't it crucial for you to know which people have these capabilities?Wouldn't you want to be certain your key people have a drive to stay on course despite obstacles and regardless of circumstances? Let's get back to Richard. Now he knows which candidates can plan. Then, he can check the report to find out the attitudes of the different candidates and their level of commitment to the company. Companies are becoming more aggressive in attracting top talent. Richard wants to know how his key people feel about the company. He wants to reduce the risk of handing someone a project, then finding out after the fact that the person does not have the drive or desire for the project, loyalty or commitment company. Richard has started to narrow down his list of candidates as he looks to the future of the company. Which of the candidates has the capacity to become a manager? Who could take a long-term role and excel at leadership?A unique aspect of the Value Profile is that it provides Richard with accurate assessment of a person's intuitive insight or "gut feeling" about issues. More and more, executives are admitting they use and rely on their "gut feelings" to make important decisions. Using intuitive insight, leaders are becoming more proficient at distinguishing which opportunities are best and which to avoid.Top people are looking for challenging, meaningful and rewarding work. They seek positions where they use their talent and make a difference. They look forward to creating new opportunities for their company. These are the kind of candidates Richard searches for.Other important considerations when considering candidates for a specific project are stress factors, sources of motivation and communicating with others. We will share insights on these three areas in the third article of this series.